Human Resource Head Hiring Search Firm

What HR Needs to do.

Competition from global companies, advances in IT, new knowledge, outsourcing and other changes are forcing organisations both big and small to constantly examine and reevaluate their operation strategies. In this changing scenario, smart organisations are in the process creating new strategic initiatives and significantly revamping their operations. Some of the changes such as new technologies, changing of structures, work redesign, relocation of work force and improvement of work processes are in response to the increasingly demanding and global competitive environment.

These important changes have significant implications for the human capital working in these companies as well as their HR functions. But the key question to ask here is: Are organisations changing their human capital management processes and are they redesigning their HR functions? The human resources function now has the onerous responsibility for a large portion of their organisation’s total expenditures and this portion is growing. Hiring the right HR leaders thus can have a significant impact on the performance of your organisation.

Without effective human capital, organisations are likely to have little or no revenue. Effective HR leaders shape a large percentage of their organisation’s market valuation.

  • Understand Business Strategy
    We have helped placed senior HR Talent in some of India’s top companies in diverse industries and verticals. We have placed HR executives who have an expert understanding of business strategy, organisation design and change management.
  • Right Culture Fit
    Perfman HR‘s Human Resources Practice provides clients with access to executives with the talent and culture fit needed to take the organization to the next level of creative and positive growth.
  • Strategic Partners
    Working with our industry sector specialists, we are able to identify proactive HR professionals who understand their role as a strategic partner that participates in both strategy, formulation and implementation of the organisation’s goals.

Industries we have worked in: