Marketing Directors Hiring Mumbai

Sellers Market to Buyers Market

The recent years have seen a shift from sellers’ market to buyer’s market. Digital lifestyles and the technologies that connect us all are fundamentally changing the ways companies run their businesses. Marketing mavericks know and understand that all these influences are neither isolated and neither are they trivial or transient. The changes happening around us are interconnected and collectively they are deeply disruptive. Businesses are now being forced to respond to a new marketing environment.

With fierce competition and shrinking margins, the marketing leaders of today are under huge pressure to understand the rapidly changing landscape and respond quickly to consumer preferences while at the same time deliver timely results, understand the latest tools of the trade and spearhead global teams. As search firms who have consistently helped companies hire the best marketing minds in the business, the consultants at Perfman HR have deep insights and understanding about hiring top talent in the marketing domain.

Consumers and businesses are changing the way they become informed, form opinions and make purchasing decisions.

  • Disruptive
    The internet is a disruptive technology and it becomes more disruptive everyday. Marketing heads will need to factor in the unpredictability of consumer trends to create the superstar products that stand out amidst the clutter.
  • Ubiquitous
    Marketing is now ubiquitous and seamlessly integrated into our lives. But 50 % of India’s population is yet to be connected. Marketing minds in India will need to have the smarts to straddle both the consumer sectors.
  • Global
    Small and medium businesses have ready access to markets both nationally and internationally. Successful companies have integrated their online and offline operations to provide optimal service to their customers.

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