Hire Corporate Legal Heads Mumbai

The world has become a very complex place to do business. And with increased and far-reaching changes being introduced by the Indian Government and with strict regulations, it has become all the more important to hire top class general counsel and senior in-house lawyers. Our recruitment consultants are experts in hiring Legal, Compliance and Regulatory professionals. Recruiting the best minds in the legal business is an effort and expense that is well worth the time and effort that goes into the recruitment process.

Some of our law specialists have a background in law and and have a deep understanding and an insiders perspective of the important role that legal specialists play in the corporate world. Perfman HR’s Legal Practice experts specialize in assisting clients in recruiting lawyers of the highest calibre in a variety of specialist fields. By comparing and referring our own internal benchmarks, our legal search professionals work in close contact with you to zone in on the ideal candidate whose leadership potential, competence, cultural fit and personality fits in closely with your required parameters.

Given the important roles that legal professionals play, when it comes to hiring legal professionals we do not just stick to the usual professional experience an qualification criterias.

  • Effective Advisors to the CEO
    A strong legal team helps the CEO and senior executives with their expertise in business strategy and business analysis. Recruiting the best minds in the legal business is an effort and expense that is well worth the time and effort.
  • Stars in their Field
    The top 10 artists on the music charts are always leagues ahead in terms of sales and charisma than the next 30 artists! Similarly the legal search team at Perfman HR helps you to hire the proverbial legal stars available in the talent pool.
  • Precise Fit
    By comparing and referring our own internal benchmarks, our legal search professionals work in close contact with you to zone in on the ideal candidate whose competence and personality fits in closely with your required parameters.

Areas of Legal Practice: