Hiring Sales Heads Mumbai

Hiring A Players in the Sales Field

The lifeblood of any successful company is the revenue that the company earns from a steady stream of paying customers. Companies in today’s competitive times need an effective and well-managed sales team if they are to thrive and prosper. The managers who manage your sales force are the single most important employees in your organisation. Great companies are successful because they know how to recruit and hire A players.

At any point in the sales management process, after deciding on the sales task and having created a sales structure you may want to recruit the people who will help drive your business goals. Bad hiring decisions in sales can backfire and sales can suffer for months or even years before you find the right person and team. Successful organisations know that the best time to recruit salespeople is all the time! Recruiting sales personnel is and must be an ongoing activity. Perfman HR’s Sales practice team will help you develop the profile of the person who can perform the job.

We look closely at the sales task and create a profile based on the skills that the candidate needs or needs to be able to acquire to do the job.

  • Skills Specific Hiring
    Whether they be technical skills, quantitative skills, presentation skills or specific industry knowledge, we factor in various requirements based on different parameters to create the ideal job description before the search begins.
  • Create a New Salesforce
    Whether you have an existing sales force or as a startup you are starting from scratch to create a new sales team, Perfman HR’s sales profiles can help you meet your short terms and long term sales targets.
  • Right Tools & Frameworks
    Having placed hundreds of top ranking sales executives in varied industries, we have developed tools and frameworks on recruiting quality sales leadership needed in specific industries.

Perfman HR can help you:

Reduce hiring time by 90%
Decrease attrition by 80%
Retail 70%
Lower the risk of sales decline by 40%
Increase your pipeline of Sales leaders by 50%
Increase Innovation & New Product Development by 70%